Yoga For When You're Burned Out


Team Mend

Yoga is a soothing balm for our hectic lifestyles. If you’re struggling with burnout, you’ve likely been operating on autopilot for so long, and that’s how you’ve coasted until now. But if you’re here, you probably don’t want to keep coasting. You want to start peeling back the layers of stress that built up and led you to this point of exhaustion and overwhelm. You want to feel connected and inspired. You want to find your flow again. And you will.

When you’re on the burnout recovery journey, yoga can be a supportive practice to add to your self care rituals. Having a yoga practice nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. Not only will it physically feel good to move and stretch your body, but, more importantly, the mindfulness you harness on the mat you'll carry with you throughout the rest of the day. It'll also offer you a calm reprieve from your fast-paced lifestyle, helping you come off autopilot and get centered in the present moment.

The best part is that it doesn’t require a huge time commitment to start experiencing the benefits of yoga. So whether you have 5 minutes or 45 minutes, here are some yoga classes focused on burnout recovery to get you started.

When you have 5 minutes:

When you have 15 minutes:

When you have 20 minutes:

When you have 25 minutes:

When you have 45 minutes:

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