8 Ways To Spend Valentine's Day If You're Single


Elle Huerta

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be all about romantic dinners, hearts, and flowers. If you’re single and unsure what to do this Valentine’s Day, here are 8 things you can do that don’t involve a significant other:

1. Spend Time With Siblings

Spending some time with your siblings can be a great way to reconnect with them. Cook a family dinner or head out somewhere. Whatever you do, it’s the quality time with the people you love that will take your mind off of being single.

2. Make And Send Cards

Who says that Valentine’s Day has to be about romantic love? It’s the perfect opportunity to show your friends how much you appreciate them. Plus, the act of making cards gets your creative juices flowing.

3. Take A Day Trip

Take yourself on an adventure! There’s never been a better time to spend some quality time with yourself. Visit somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, get tickets to an exhibition, or just head somewhere you’ve never explored before. Spending some time alone can help you cultivate a stronger sense of self love.

4. Watch A Movie: How To Be Single

It’s so funny! A great choice for anyone who is single (whether or not it’s Valentine’s Day).

5. Take A Class

Expand your mind and try something new on Valentine’s Day. It could be an exercise class or creative activity such as photography, cooking, or painting. You never know, you might just find a new hobby while everyone else is eating grocery store chocolate!

6. Take Your BFF Out To Dinner

Taking another single friend out to dinner guarantees you great company without all the looming expectations. Plus, it will give you both a boost if you’re feeling down in the dumps about being single.

7. Make A Stranger’s Day

Making someone else feel good is the most amazing feeling. Even just a simple smile goes a long way. Try giving someone a compliment, paying for someone’s coffee, or just asking how their day is going.

8. Go To A Comedy Show

If you’re in need of a good laugh, a comedy show is bound to get you smiling.

Remember, Valentine’s Day is just ONE day. Regardless of whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s a great time to focus on self-care and make others feel special too – you’ll make it through.

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